Tuesday 29 June 2010

Review on AS Project

Today we talked about what we did last year and the stages we went through with our projects. we basically talked about pre-production, production and post production of our AS projects.

Pre-Production: Our pre-production was very unorganized at first because we didn't know what groups we were going to be in. It was all a bit of a mess to start off with. We all had to do a preliminary task to get ourselves getting used to the camera and some of the shots. we did a lot of lessons on shot types so it was a little bit easier for us to use our imagination because we ended up by coming up with some great stuff. I went in a group with Aleena and Brad and we had to film someone walking through a door and i was getting filmed. When we first did the filming i was not as confident with a camera than i am now. I think the preliminary task helped us get ready for the main task which was the main production.

Production: the production was a little easier as was in a group of four so it worked out well. our idea from the start was to make a thriller film opening. i was always confident with the musical side of the film because i did music before in GCSE and i knew what type of music would be suitable for the thriller genre. It took a while for me to find some time to get some time in the music room so i can work on it and when i did it didn't sound very good so right at the last day of the project i went with matt and to find sir in his room and we found a mac computer and i started playing with some sounds and i found one which was perfect for our film opening because it had what i wanted from the start, piano, strings, everything to create some tension.


we did not do a lot to the piece afterwards except from small changes to the music and some of the editing. We put a more darker look to the screening because when we filmed it, it was a sunny day. we wanted it to be more gloomy as it was a thriller so we also wanted to prioritize the lighting. those are pretty much the changes we made to our project.

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