Tuesday 2 November 2010

Initial Idea

Different classes throughout the school
1. Cabot eye building
2. ICT Room
3. A-wing Room
4. Another Room

1. Joab
2. Luke
3. Sam
4. Tall Teacher

Let The Drummer Kick

Joab is sitting in a classroom and Luke is bullying him buy pushing his things of the desk, then we cut to another room where Luke is getting bullied buy a slightly taller person (sam). We could then move to another classroom or the canteen and show Sam getting bullied buy the tall teacher.

Our film Shows how there is always going to be someone bigger and better than you. We will use pull focus to highlight the person we are concentrating on in the particular scene. All scenes will be shot in a school environment because this is easy available to us. We will also only be using one actor outside of our class to male it easy for us to get filiming.

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