Wednesday 9 February 2011

FiLmInG PrObLeMs

We have had a lot of problems during our filming and most of them to do with continuity. Continuity is a form of editing and we had problems getting everything precise. One of the main things which we needed, to make the film ascend with a flow was clothing. We had to remember all the time that we have to bring the same clothing every lesson and we would sometimes forget and that became a big problem because we would lose valuable filming time.

We also had problems on thinking about a location to film. What was needed was a location which we know we can use all the time. We found a location in the end which is right next to the class and we can always get advise from teachers which is always good.

A major problem we have had recently is getting people which are taller than Tom. We have been searching for a long time and it has become a serious problem for us. I think we should start being more assertive and organized before we get to lessons. Problems will always be there for us but I think that we will have a really good project at the end.

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