Tuesday, 3 May 2011


What have you learned from your audience feedback?
The use of Web 2.0 within our product has been very beneficial in gaining accurate audience feedback. As well as going about audience feedback in the more traditional ways such as questionnaires, interviews and viewing sessions we've also posted our short film and ancillary tasks on the Front Room Films Facebook group page and also on Youtube.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Here you can see a screen cap of our Facebook group.
The main response from everyone has been surprisingly positive, the reaction we were hoping for really came out as our teachers really seen the humour we were trying to show as we were not very sure if they would pick it up. One of our teachers also complimented on the speed of the editing in a small part in our film as it's extremely fast paced to show an effectively that the actor is bored. We were also very fortunate to have thought about making a twitter page because it also helped us get the word out and to get people following us and seeing our progress.

When analysing the results from our questionnaire we can see the most people thought our short film was good and a few people thought our narrative was stronger than our performance which is a very good thing. We can also see that the majority of people thought that our short film was appropriate to the genre. We've also found out that 20% of our audience thought the genre of the short film was not clear enough something if we had more time we could rectify, but majority people realized the genre very quickly which is very pleasing.

This is a screen shot of our youtube page in which we uploaded our video and we have a few subscribers. It seems that we had a mixture of comments as some people thought it lacked depth, other people loved it. We liked that we were given creative criticism.

How would you rate our short film out of 5?
1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 2
4 - 4
5 - 14

How would you rate the performance out of 5?
1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - 6
5- 14

How would you rate the narrative out of 5?
1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 4
4 - 6
5 - 10

Is the narrative relatively easy to follow?
Yes - 13
No - 4
Don't know - 3

Does our video look like a typical comedy short film?
Yes - 13
No - 7

Have we used a variety of different shot types?
Yes - 16
No - 4

Is the editing at a standard where meaning is apparent?
Yes - 15
No - 5

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