Thursday 15 July 2010

Looking at Exemplar Projects

Today we took the time to look at some examples of some short films, trailers and music videos.
One of the short films we watched i got a lot from was the short film called consequences. i learnt a lot about detail and some of their shots you wouldnt notice because they would change so fast which is usually the case when you watch the big time films because every shot has to be well thought off.
Even from the start you could see some really good editing techniques such as match on action as he opens the door. I learnt about when to be using fast or slow motion, especially at important moments you want the audience to see it clearly to signify its importance. Fast motion is very good when indicating time flying or when in gang movies, when you see a robbery they tend to make it very fast to signify what is happening. There were a definite variety of shot types which i think we can take on board and work with. i think we will take in consideration that the handheld technique might help make our music video more realistic.

Music Video: Personally i found the music video to be the best of every video we watched because everything looked well thought off and it drew my attention. i took a lot away from watching it. i learnt about the importance of lighting. its usually the last thing on peoples minds but in the music video it wasnt very clear and i noticed it which helped me realize that lighting should come as a priority. i learnt about which places might need more editing than others. i think that every part of our music video will need to be looked at for any little chances it may need because detail is better than having a clumsy piece of work.

We also watched a trailer which i really thought was very interesting and watchable. the trailer was very clear and i think it would be very effective if every aspect of it is realistic to what trailers usually are. The trailer we seen also made realize about what elements are needed for a trailer such as lighting to fit the mood, sound to fit the mood.

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