Friday 17 December 2010


Filming has gone so well for us so far and we have gotten footage of about 2:40 secs which is really good at this stage. We know now what and who we need to film so thats what we need to start planning our time upon. I think that after we are done filming the hardest thing for us to do will be to put some music for the start of the short film. Different elements need to be thought about when doing a short film:

- How will we manage our time?
Managing time is a very hard thing to do and even when we did our gantt chart, some of the things we wanted to have done by then couldn't be done because we were either missing someone or we couldn't accumulate the space and sometimes we lacked resources. I think that we should start to book our spaces in advance and we need to also be prepared with resources all the time.
- How much resources will we need?
We will need a lot of resources and they are mainly things like cameras, tripod, a lot of what we needed involved electronics. We need resources that will always be there when we need them. The editing is so much easier this year than it was last year because this time we have access to the mac computers which are so much faster and easier whereas the ones we used last year were always being used and you couldn't find any time to do some editing.

Filming is a hard thing to do and the only way we will get our short film to become noticeable and to stand out is to do as many effective shots as possible.

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