Wednesday 15 December 2010

Today's Lesson

Today's Lesson we are starting off by doing some practical work. We will be filming the other half of our short film, We will be filming Matt and we are hoping that Josh is in later so we can film him aswell. We are hoping to achieve a well illostrated and orchastrated short film which is pleasing to the eye and to do this we have to make sure that every shot we do will be benefitial for the next one. I hope that by the end of the day we would have finished most of our final draft.

Later on in the lesson we will be doing some exam preparation which we all desperately need. The exam prep is so we can be ready for our exam in January. We were given a task of doing an essay and the question for that essay is "Discuss the extent to which the Distribution and Consumption of media have been transformed by the internet. This task will help us to think of all the aspects in which things like Web 2.0, Social networking etc have helped people to distribute their films especially independently based films.

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